Halal bi halal merupakan acara tahunan yang sudah menjadi tradisi di Indonesia, berikut ini contoh rekomendasi pidato 3 bahasa bertema tentang Halal Bi Halal
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Peace be upon you..
الحمد لله الذي جعلنا من العائدين والمقبولين. كل عام وانتم بخير. اللهم صل وسلم وبارك ومجد وكرم على سيدنا وحبيبنا وشفيعنا ومولانا محمد ص.م. وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين. اما بعد.
قال الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم. اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. خذ العفو وأمر بالعرف وأعرض عن الجاهلين. الاية . صدق الله العظيم.
وقال رسول الله ص.م. من أحب ان يبسط له في رزقه و ان ينسأ له في أثره فليصل رحمه
First of all let’s thank God Allah who gives us mercies and blessing untill we can meet each other in this blessed place.
Secondly, salawat and salam may be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness.
Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thanks to chair man who has given me time and place to speak in front of you all by the tittle: HALAL BI HALAL
Ladies and gentlemen,
We have been fasting for one month in Ramadan. If fasting is closely related to our relationship with God, then halal bi halal is one of our ways to confirm our relationship with others or hablum minannas.
In halal bi halal we can meet each other, stay in touch, shake hands and forgive each other. What was far away can be close, and what is close can be closer.
Dear beloved audience,
Halal bi halal is an Arabic pronunciation. However, the Arabs themselves do not necessarily understand what is meant by halal bi halal.
This is because halal bi halal is a tradition of Muslims in Indonesia, made in Indonesia, original from Indonesia. And couldn’t be found in other countries besides Indonesia.
Halal bi halal was first coined by KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah who is one of the founders of NU. He introduced Halalbihalal to Bung Karno as a form of friendship between political leaders who had the conflicts at that time.
So at Eid al-Fitr in 1948, Bung Karno invited all political figures to attend a gathering entitled ‘Halalbihalal.’ They were finally can meet together and begin to build strength for Indonesia in the future.
And until now, halal bi halal has been followed by the Indonesian people, especially the Muslim community.
Dear all of audience,
Rasulullah SAW said
من أحب ان يبسط له في رزقه وان ينسأ له في أثره فليصل رحمه
Whoever wants to expand his sustenance and increase his age, then let him establish friendship.
Do you want to expand your sustenance? Want to add age? So establish your relationship with others.
How many people establish their relationship with others, and then Allah will increase their sustenance.
Allahumma .. Aamiin
How many people establish their relationship with others, their age is increased. Allahumma.. Aamiin.
Therefore, let us make this halal bi halal event a momentum to strengthen our relationship. May Allah bless our wealth and our age and may Allah make it easy for us to stay in touch.
والله الموفق الى اقوام الطريق.
Wassalamualaikum Wr, Wb.
Editor : Hadi Widodo